Hey, so, one thing called pandemic happened, you might have heard of it. It is kind of big. Because of that, everything here started going in a different pace. At first glance, it felt it was slower since we were all at home all the time and if we don’t go places things should not happen, right? But that’s not really what happened, things were not slower, not fast either. Just different. I suppose that’s the largely announced new normal.
Anyway, in the new normal times i forgot about this space. Not only about this space if I’m being totally honest but let’s concern ourselves on the issue at hand at the moment. So here is a abridged version of things that happened:
Academic Papers
[EN] Teaching People What They Already Know. Designing Game Design Courses [I had to make a Orcis thingy for that one! pretty cool!]
Games & interviews & news
- [EN] Academia Panel: Teaching Game Design, with Joris Dormans
- We at JoyMasher are still working on Moonrider and we are probably going to talk about that very soon
- I moved! It was weird but here we are.
- I visited the York Railway Museum and I think I have a new mania. That’s where the featured image was taken!
That’s all for now, hope I can make these updates more frequently.